Wang X.-C., Klemeš J.J., Varbanov P.S., 2020, Water-Energy-Carbon Nexus Analysis of the EU27 and China, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 469-474.
EU27 and China have been two of the largest economies as well as water consumers, energy utilisers and carbon emitters. However, the linkages and key flows of Water-Energy-Carbon Nexus (WECN) in the EU27 and China remain not entirely clear. It is still under exploration, whether the associated benefits are mutual or not. This study aims at assessing the WECN of different countries in the EU27 and different sectors in China. The Environmental Extended Input-Output (EEIO) model is used to analyse the embodied water consumption, energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The total water consumption, energy consumption and CO2 emissions of the specific country in the EU27 and specific sector in China are analysed as well. The results identify the characteristics of water and energy consumption, and carbon emission of the EU27 and China. This study provided an approach to identify the synergies in terms of Water-Energy-Carbon Nexus. It provides decision-making support to apply to other regions for better cope with the possible consequences of climate change.