Combined Cooling, Heating and Power Integration for Locally Integrated Energy Sector
Yong, Wen Ni
Liew, Peng Yen
Wan Alwi, Sharifah Rafidah
Klemeš, Jirí Jaromír
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Yong W.N., Liew P.Y., Wan Alwi S.R., Klemeš J.J., 2020, Combined Cooling, Heating and Power Integration for Locally Integrated Energy Sector, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81, 949-954.
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A huge amount of energy is consumed by residential, industrial, workplace and service sector. The operating units in Locally Integrated Energy Sectors (LIES) contributes negatively to global greenhouse gases emission. Energy efficiency is particularly important to overcome the growth of energy demand. Many countries in the world have implemented a number of methods to increase energy efficiencies. Combined Cooling, Heat and Power system (CCHP) is also known as the tri-generation system has been proven to be more efficient on sustainability and environmentally as compare to conventional generating system in terms of energy consumption, operational costs, heat loss and greenhouse gases emission. CCHP system tends to produce more products using waste heat. The expected outputs of tri-generation systems are power, heating utility system, cooling down utility system and waste heat. Process Integration through Pinch analysis is a tool for reducing energy consumptions and maximizing energy recovery. Total Site Heat Integration (TSHI) is an extended methodology of the individual process Pinch Analysis on heating targeting. Power Pinch Analysis (PoPA) is used to optimize the power from process, tri-generation and co-generation systems. CCHP Integration can be connected to form a comprehensive energy integration network among the energy supply and demand within a local area, as proposed by LIES. The new methodology deals with variable heating, chilling and power supply and demand, with a heat and battery storage system. The system is connected to a trigeneration energy system for optimizing the operation of the proposed system. The trigeneration system provides great flexibility for the optimization of the energy system. A case study is performed for verifying the proposed methodology, whereby energy recovery (cooling, heat and power) opportunities are found from the system studied. The case study showed 100 % reduction of steam, chilled water and electricity demand. The system managed to produce more electricity than required. This developing methodology provides better guidance to engineers, especially during the design stage on the performance limitations and specific compromises within a system.
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