Optimized Renewable Energy Mixes: Facing Energy Scarcity in Remote Islands
Cipolletta, Mariasole
Dialyna, Evangelia
Bozzoli, Leonardo
Casson Moreno, Valeria
Tsoutsos, Theocharis
Cozzani, Valerio

How to Cite

Cipolletta M., Dialyna E., Bozzoli L., Casson Moreno V., Tsoutsos T., Cozzani V., 2023, Optimized Renewable Energy Mixes: Facing Energy Scarcity in Remote Islands, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 99, 235-240.


The actual energy transition calls for the highest ever engagement of institutions and private sectors in the adoption of renewable energy systems in order to decarbonize all production chains. The high potential of renewable energy sources (RESs) in several locations worldwide is looked at as an important opportunity to both limit the energy supply issues and shift towards a greener society. On the other hand, it is also accompanied by the issues of resource variability, forecasting need and difficult management of the energy surpluses.
The contemporary exploitation of multiple RESs in a hybrid renewable energy system (HRES) is a strategic initiative aimed at reducing the energy supply risk in a specific location, while decarbonizing the power generation facilities that satisfy specific energy requests. By means of systems optimally designed that valorize the RESs site-specific features and time trends, it is possible to comply with the identified energy demands while obtaining increased reliability. This contribution introduces an approach for the preliminary design of HRESs which is capable of accounting for the specific geographical constraints and the energy requests to be fulfilled. The approach is simulation-based, thus analyses the performance of all the possible combinations of renewable energy conversion technologies in terms of supply reliability and assesses their sustainability profile through key indicators. The application of the method is exemplified through a case study located on the island of Crete, Greece, for the valorization of the combined exploitation of offshore wind and wave energy. The most sustainable designs of the HRES in the site foresee the installation of 12 offshore wind turbines and maximum 10 wave energy converters for an overall system potentiality higher than 110 MW.