A Reality Check on the Large Scale of Solar Energy Technology via Integrated SWOT-PESTLE-AHP Analysis
Abdullah, Wan Aina Syahirah Wan
Wahab, Mardhiah
Zeyu, Yang
Itoi, Kazane
Torimaru, Sumire
Manaf, Norhuda Abdul

How to Cite

Abdullah W.A.S.W., Wahab M., Zeyu Y., Itoi K., Torimaru S., Manaf N.A., 2023, A Reality Check on the Large Scale of Solar Energy Technology via Integrated SWOT-PESTLE-AHP Analysis, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 106, 511-516.


Malaysia possesses significant potential for solar power generation due to its tropical weather and high levels of solar irradiance. This climate condition implies that solar technology, such as photovoltaic (PV) systems enable to generate more electricity per unit area, making it more economically viable for businesses and households’ applications. As Malaysia pledge to support the Net Zero Emissions (NZE) by 2050 Scenario, pre and continuous evaluation on the opportunities and challenges confronting solar technology penetration as a clean and affordable energy is of significant. This work aims to perform preliminary assessment of large scale of solar technology in Malaysia via integrated SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) and PESTLE (the Political, Economic, Social, Technical, Legal, and Environmental) approaches, combine with analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. It can be concluded that solar energy is one of the alternative energy sources that should be developed more in the future in terms of technology to ensure clean energy can be promoted. In AHP analysis, the economic aspect has shown the highest priority. Cost of investment and operation exhibited a huge factor that may hinder the large-scale solar project in Malaysia. The semi-empirical result of this paper presents a reality check on the solar technology feasibility in Malaysia while formulate a decision-making framework for addressing clean energy technology.