Radiation-Based Virus Attack and Defense Reliability Optimization Design
Yang, P.
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Yang P., 2016, Radiation-Based Virus Attack and Defense Reliability Optimization Design, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 51, 793-798.
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In this paper, the feasibility of computer networks against virus attacks are analyzed, pointing out the characteristics of computer virus weapon, injection methods and attacks. The last of a computer virus spread in the network established a relevant mathematical model. From the simulation results, we can see a computer spread of the virus in the network speed and the number of infected machines varies with time, so as to implement computer virus attacks radiation information provided strong evidence. A computer virus attack and defense model of radiation information, the establishment of the virus, through the network communication protocol analysis. The original virus information are coded modulation corresponding conversion, so the network can recognize the enemy and running, then fired out through radio, after field line coupling mode, enter the enemy network.
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