Application of the Fuzzy AHP Model Based on a New Scale Method in the Financial Risk Assessment of the Listing Corporation
Cui, X.H.
He, Z.Q.
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Cui X., He Z., 2015, Application of the Fuzzy AHP Model Based on a New Scale Method in the Financial Risk Assessment of the Listing Corporation, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 46, 1231-1236.
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Enterprises are facing a variety of risks, both financial risk and non-financial risk. But no matter what kind of risk, the final performance will be for the financial risk. The financial risk is the most significant and comprehensive reflection of enterprise risk. Only by doing a good job for financial risk assessment, the overall risk of the enterprise can be better evaluated. According to the characteristics of listing Corporation financial risk assessment, this paper proposes an improved fuzzy -AHP method aiming at the shortcomings of the traditional fuzzy -AHP method. We propose the 1-9 scaling method, which preserves the advantages of the original AHP method. We compare the various types of 1-9 scaling method, select the optimal scaling method, and calculate the weight of each factor of the financial risk of the listing Corporation. At the same time, we increase the security of the scope of the evaluation. This measure can avoid the division of the scope of the evaluation of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method too absolute. Finally, we analyze the changeable trend of financial risk in the framework of the financial risk index system of listing Corporation. The trend of the financial risk index of the Listing Corporation is increasing, which shows that the financial risk of the Listing Corporation is decreasing. Meanwhile, we believe that the financial management of the Listing Corporation has become increasingly mature. The risk control ability of the mature listing Corporation has been able to resist all kinds of financial risks.
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