Experimental Investigation of the Heat Transfer in a Feedwater Preheater for the Decarbonizing Steam Generator
Kolonicný, J.
Kupka, D.
Jandacka, J.
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Kolonicný J., Kupka D., Jandacka J., 2014, Experimental Investigation of the Heat Transfer in a Feedwater Preheater for the Decarbonizing Steam Generator, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 39, 1129-1134.
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The paper presents a feedwater preheater for a zero-emission steam cycle used for electricity generation from fossil fuels. The objective was to study an effectiveness of the preheater to separate a steam-gas mixture by condensation and utilize the latent heat for regenerative heating of the feedwater. Set of experimental regimes was carried out for three different modifications of the preheater. Experiments were conducted in order to investigate an impact of the presence of a non-condensable gas in the mixture on the intensity of heat transfer in the preheater.
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