Using Experimental Measurements of the Concentrations of Carbon Dioxide for Determining the Intensity of Ventilation in the Rooms
Kapalo, P.
Vilceková, S.
Voznyak, O.
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Kapalo P., Vilceková S., Voznyak O., 2014, Using Experimental Measurements of the Concentrations of Carbon Dioxide for Determining the Intensity of Ventilation in the Rooms, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 39, 1789-1794.
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Considering the fact that in operating costs of the new building the important place take expenses on heating, mainly, on air heating in systems of ventilation, the measures directed on optimization of the intensity of ventilation at maintaining comfort of consumers, are of high importance and have national character.
To reduce electricity consumption it is possible to use air-conditioning equipment providing heat recovery from exhaust air. When choosing the ventilating equipment it is necessary to consider the correct boundary conditions that the ventilating equipment wasn't the overestimated or underestimated power with the aim of optimizing investment and operating costs of ventilation equipment in compliance with sanitary requirements with regard to air quality in the internal environment of buildings. This paper is aimed to develop a methodology for determining the intensity of ventilation of indoor premises based on the experimental measurements of the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2).
Using experimental measurements and the knowledge gained in the study of this issue, in the work the method for intensity ventilation determining of the indoor premises was developed on the basis of the measured values of carbon dioxide which was verified also by another experimental measurements. The resulting values of ventilation intensity rate obtained by calculation from the measured values of carbon dioxide were compared with the results of calculations executed according to the laws and standards, current in Slovakia. Based on comparison of the results one of the methods for calculation of the ventilation intensity was developed that is valid in Slovakia, the results of which were close to the results obtained by the method of determining the intensity of ventilation rate in the room on the basis of the measured values of carbon dioxide. The above mentioned method is determined by the method of calculating intensity of ventilation rate in the rooms intended for offices.
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