Cost-Effective Design of Energy Efficient Four-Product Dividing Wall Columns
Dejanovic, I.
Halvorsen, I.
Skogestad, S.
Jansen, H.
Olujic, Z.
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How to Cite

Dejanovic I., Halvorsen I., Skogestad S., Jansen H., Olujic Z., 2013, Cost-Effective Design of Energy Efficient Four-Product Dividing Wall Columns, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 35, 283-288.
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Potential alternatives for a fully thermally coupled four-product dividing wall column are addressed, emphasizing hydraulic design and column dimensioning aspects of importance for practical implementation of multi-partition wall configurations. Utilizing an industrially relevant aromatics processing plant case for evaluation and comparison of the cost-effectiveness of alternative configurations, this paper focuses on a new, minimum energy, four-product dividing wall column with two overhead product streams.
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