An Intelligent Maintenance System to Improve Safety of Operations of an Electric Furnace in the Steel Making Industry
Colace, C.
Fumagalli, L.
Pala, S.
Macchi, M.
Matarazzo, N.R.
Rondi, M.
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Colace C., Fumagalli L., Pala S., Macchi M., Matarazzo N., Rondi M., 2013, An Intelligent Maintenance System to Improve Safety of Operations of an Electric Furnace in the Steel Making Industry, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 33, 397-402.
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Steel making industry represents a sector in which maintenance can be considered a key process. In this paper the development of an intelligent monitoring system of the electric furnace of a steel making company is presented. The furnace is a relevant asset in terms of safety issues; due to the characteristics of the furnace – running continuously at high temperatures and in harsh environmental conditions –, many elements and components cannot be visually inspected, thus an intelligent maintenance system, with real-time monitoring capabilities, represents a proper solution to keep under control the asset health status. The intelligent maintenance system, herein presented, can be considered an E-maintenance tool, integrated within an existing industrial ICT infrastructure.
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