Bobák P., Pavlas M., Máša V., Jegla Z., Kšenzuliak V., 2012, Heat Recovery in Professional Laundry Care Process, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 29, 391-396.
This paper tackles various specific issues related to professional laundry care process. Design of efficient system of heat recovery in professional laundry is conditioned by successful management of these specifics. The paper also gives several suggestions for the design. Measurement method including original software for data processing was designed for more efficient acquisition of humid air parameters in outlet stream from drying equipment (i.e. dryer, ironer, tunnel finisher). These parameters are relevant for determination of the amount of applicable waste heat and its time course. This method has minimum impact upon equipment operation and its technical readiness to measure and is thus suitable for irregular measurements in laundry facilities. The paper also presents case study of heat exchanger design for heat recovery based on requirements from real laundry operations. Plate-type air-air heat exchanger preheats drying air for tumble dryers while using waste heat from tunnel finisher.