Content of Chromium and Phosphorus in Cements in Relation to the Slovak Cement Eco-Labelling
Estokova, A.
Palascakova, L.
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Estokova A., Palascakova L., 2012, Content of Chromium and Phosphorus in Cements in Relation to the Slovak Cement Eco-Labelling, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 26, 75-80.
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Cement meaningly affects the environment not only during its production, but also in the process of its consumption causing a negative impact on both the environment and human health.
The paper aims to present the results of assessment of the content of water soluble hexavalent chromium and phosphorous in cements commonly used in the Slovak Republic. Cement samples of various types (CEM I - CEM V) of the significant Slovak producers were taken into the evaluation.
The leaching of chromium was investigated in water environment by using the standard testing methods including the chromium concentrations determination by spectrometry. The content of phosphorous in cements was determined by X-ray fluorescence analysis.
The content of hexavalent chromium in observed samples ranged from 0.46 to 6.38 mg/kg of cement. The measured concentrations were compared to the eco-labelling limit in Slovakia and in 53 % of samples the concentration of hexavalent chromium was higher than the limit value. The content of phosphorous expressed as P2O5 varied from 0.04 to 0.64 % (mass) which was less than stated limit in the eco-labelling process.
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