Schaelike S., Wehrstedt K., Schoenbucher A., 2012, Flame Heights of Di-tert-butyl Peroxide Pool Fires - Experimental Study and Modelling, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 26, 363-368.
The flame heights of di-tert-butyl peroxide (DTBP) pool fires with diameters between 0.03 m < d < 3 m are determined by means of visible images obtained by a VHS video recorder. The time-averaged Hav and maximum flame height Hmax were evaluated according to the intermittency criterion. For the relative time-averaged flame heights values in a range of 3.1 < Hav/d < 14.8 are obtained while the relative maximum flame heights are in a range of 3.5 < Hmax/d < 17.6. The experimental measurements were used to establish a new Froude number correlation.