Some Benefits of Dynamic Simulation of Energy Systems in an Integrated Steel Mill
Henrion, T.
Werner, A.
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Henrion T., Werner A., 2012, Some Benefits of Dynamic Simulation of Energy Systems in an Integrated Steel Mill, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 29, 229-234.
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In the frame of a research project, the physical behavior of the steam and hot water networks of an integrated steel mill were reproduced using the APROS simulation tool. The analysis of the steam distribution network behavior shows that strong fluctuation of some state variables (pressure, temperature) occur due to batch process productions and variable heat demand.
Classical methods for efficiency improvement, like energy/exergy analysis or pinch/total site analysis, are based on steady-state assumptions. Hence, they do not consider inefficiencies due to the above described transient behavior. This work relies on a method based on dynamic behavior modeling of energy systems in order to assess energy efficiency, fluid quality and flexibility improvements.
This paper describes, through a practical example dealing with a pressure swing problem caused by the interaction between the basic oxygen furnace and the hot rolling mill steam systems, the modelling and improvement procedure of the steam network. Subsequently, the application range of the developed simulation models is discussed.
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