Odourmap, an Online Web Based Tool for Field Observation, Resident Participation, and Odour Community Relations
van Harreveld, A.P.
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van Harreveld A., 2012, Odourmap, an Online Web Based Tool for Field Observation, Resident Participation, and Odour Community Relations, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 30, 1-6.
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In response to odour regulation for solid waste management installations in France a web based tool was developed to monitor odour impacts using volunteer community field panels, spontaneous resident observations and professional panels. This approach has been used for some time in France, and allows close monitoring of the impact of new waste management sites after these are commissioned. A web based online application called Odourmap was designed for this purpose and implemented at a waste management facility in Angers, France, in 2012. In addition to online recording and displaying the observations of resident panels (by SMS or smartphone) other functionality was added, including online display of meteorological data, online dispersion model, resident complaint registration via internet and the option to show instrumental measurements of environmental parameters (e.g. e-nose, sonometer, production parameters). Odourmap combines all these information channels in one Google Maps based display, which allows time travel by the user, navigating via a customisable timeline. This allows to see the current situation, but also to see future predicted impacts of the plume based on prognostic weather data. Historical data on emissions, impacts, observations, complaints etc. can be seen for specific moments, or for a user selected period. In this period, results can be shown as an animated progression, or through statistical views such as pie charts. Odourmap allows different user levels to be set, serving the needs of administrators, operators, community representatives and resident citizens. This way a communication strategy can be managed. In the Angers situation, the impact of the waste management facility was not causing significant community annoyance. However, the tool is designed to be effective in providing transparency and managed communication in conflictive situations, allowing direct interaction between citizens, administrators and plant operators with the aim to de-escalate community conflicts and implementation of effective fact based odour impact management policies.
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