Odour - A Vision On The Existing Regulation
Loriato, A.
Salvador, N.
Santos, J.
Moreira, D.M.
Costa Junior, N.
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Loriato A., Salvador N., Santos J., Moreira D., Costa Junior N., 2012, Odour - A Vision On The Existing Regulation, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 30, 25-30.
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The legislation on odours is being discussed and gradually implemented throughout the world. Some countries and regions have specific and detailed legislation on the subject, while in others countries legislation is not so detailed or even inexistent. The purpose of this article is presenting the definitions, procedures and legislations already implemented in some countries and in Brazil, by discussing their philosophies on regulation and coercion. It seems that a great deal of scientific work is still necessary to create the means which will allow legislators to regulate on odours and/or odours compounds in a way that is compatible with the current stage of social and industrial development. A worldwide standardization may not be possible due to cultural, educational and other factors that interfere in the perception of risk of a given population, but at least some equivalent procedures must be used in order to achieve some degree of similarity among the various national and international laws.
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