Modelling of LNG Pool Spreading on Land with Included Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium and Different Boiling Regimes
Basha, O.
Liu, Y.
Castier, M.
Olewski, T.
Vechot, L.
Mannan, M.S.
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Basha O., Liu Y., Castier M., Olewski T., Vechot L., Mannan M., 2013, Modelling of LNG Pool Spreading on Land with Included Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium and Different Boiling Regimes, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 31, 43-48.
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This paper presents a source term model for estimating the rate of unconfined LNG pool spreading on land. The model takes into account the composition changes of a boiling mixture, the variation of thermodynamic properties due to preferential boiling in the liquid mixture and the effect of boiling regime on conductive heat transfer. The heat, mass and momentum balance equations were solved for continuous and instantaneous spills. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine the relative effect of each of these phenomena on pool spreading. The model was compared to a commonly used gravity-inertia integral pool-spreading model with one-dimensional conductive heat transfer.
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