The Essentials for High Performance in PPS A Roadmap from the Practice for the Practice
Schmelzer, P.G.
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Schmelzer P., 2013, The Essentials for High Performance in PPS A Roadmap from the Practice for the Practice, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 31, 55-60.
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Process and Plant Safety requires continuous efforts ensuring that the performance is at the best practicable level. In the real world business environment it appears sometimes difficult to recognize the urgency for this – in particular in case performance deficiencies are not obvious and/or appropriate indicators are not available to show trends.
At Bayer top performance in Process and Plant Safety (PPS) has been of high value and interest already for decades and it is even more so today. Our aspiration is to maintain the position among the best performing companies regarding Process and Plant Safety in the Chemical and Life Science Industry. In order to identify areas which allow most efficiently and effectively to improve Process and Plant Safety even further an analysis of the current practice in the Bayer Group was performed. As a result of this analysis measures were identified which were considered key to safeguard the already achieved high level of PPS and to secure further improvement.
The program which was rolled out in its key features in 2010 to 2012 comprises all from a new PPS policy to the implementation of PPS performance indicators and a comprehensive training program. Among the 8 key measures of this initiative are such asPPS qualification for about 25,000 Bayer employees worldwide, a routine to ensure high level qualification of a worldwide group of PPS experts and specialists who lead Bayers process hazard analyses, a further developed Management of Change process which includes organizational changes as well as technical changes, a system of Key Performance Indicators.
Paper and presentation gives an insight how such an overall analysis can be performed, how the improvement measures and action plan can be derived and swiftly implemented. Key insights and features of the above mentioned four measures as well as remarks regarding all other of the 8 measures will be outlined.
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