Electrostatic Ignition Hazards Associated with the Pneumatic Transfer of Flammable Powders through Insulating or Dissipative Tubes and Hoses
Glor, M.
Blum, C.
Fath, W.
Walther, C.D.
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Glor M., Blum C., Fath W., Walther C., 2013, Electrostatic Ignition Hazards Associated with the Pneumatic Transfer of Flammable Powders through Insulating or Dissipative Tubes and Hoses, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 31, 691-696.
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When transferring powder through pipes or hoses made from insulating material, propagating brush discharges cannot be excluded. To calculate the limit value of the resistivity of the insulating material, below which no propagating brush discharges will occur, the charging current due to the powder transfer must be known. This charging current has been determined experimentally. Based on analytical calculations and computer models limit values for the resistivity of the hose material are derived from these experiments.
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