Electrostatic Discharges from Non-Conductive Materials
Nilsson, U.
Karlson, I.
Nessvi, K.
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How to Cite

Nilsson U., Karlson I., Nessvi K., 2013, Electrostatic Discharges from Non-Conductive Materials, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 31, 937-942.
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In recent years insulating solid materials has been more commonly used in the industry. This is due to a variety of commercial reasons. As insulating materials tend to become electrostatically charged, handling of flammable materials in combination with plastics therefor is a potential ignition hazard.
Industries handling flammable materials and / or combustible dusts should be risk assessed; a classification plan for explosive atmospheres as well as an explosion protection document shall be drawn up. Among other things sources of ignition in explosive atmospheres must be identified and assessed.
Static electricity is an ignition source that is causing much concern as it is not easy to predict. Electrostatic brush discharges arise from charged insulating materials. Charge that build up can arise from contact charge when handling insulating solid material as well as when transporting bulk material (gases, liquids, solids) in insulating pipes, containers and other process equipment.
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