Application of Structured Population Balance Model for the Numerical Simulation of a Continuous Photobioreactor
Altimari, P.
Pagnanelli, F.
Toro, L.
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Altimari P., Pagnanelli F., Toro L., 2013, Application of Structured Population Balance Model for the Numerical Simulation of a Continuous Photobioreactor, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 32, 1027-1032.
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The application of a structured population balance model to the numerical simulation of microalgal growth in a continuous photobioreactor is discussed. The analysis is focused on the interplay between microalgal metabolism and photobioreactor operation. The proposed model is structured to describe the evolution of mass distribution among different stages of the cell division cycle. Numerical results provide indications about the impact of the implemented nutrient supply strategy on biomass productivity. These information are of relevance in applications where nutrient deprivation is imposed to enhance the production of prescribed products.
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