Alcohol Production Process Modelling Based on Indicators using Transactional Software, Industrial Automation and Manufacturing Execution Systems-MES
Goncalves, E.
Maciel Filho, R.
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Goncalves E., Maciel Filho R., 2013, Alcohol Production Process Modelling Based on Indicators using Transactional Software, Industrial Automation and Manufacturing Execution Systems-MES, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 32, 1327-1332.
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Ethanol production plants face several issues, among which increased productivity with overhead reduction. A possible way to achieve such requirements is through a reliable computer tool and bearing this in mind is proposed in this work an operating model based on operational indicators of the ethanol production process, using ERP software (Enterprise Resource Planning), transactional software, MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems) and industrial automation.
The article presents this new model which consists of: Integration of information obtained from strategic decisions taken by top management, the agricultural sector, automation, operational controls, using indicators and production planning (MES). Acting based on pre-defined knowledge and on real time, using state-of-the-art automation and information technologies, backed by a very well defined information flow system.
The main objective is to achieve process optimization. The main results obtained by the model are: automation of production processes, reliability and efficiency in the exchange of information, improvement of communication among the production areas and the other management areas, appropriate use of state-of-the-art technologies, real-time access to information anywhere (web) to make it possible for decisions to be made safely and secure.
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