Plasma-?ryogenic Synthesis of the High Purity Nanomaterials
Bessarabov, A.
Ivanov, M.
Kvasyuk, A.
Stepanova, T.
Vendilo, A.
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Bessarabov A., Ivanov M., Kvasyuk A., Stepanova T., Vendilo A., 2013, Plasma-?ryogenic Synthesis of the High Purity Nanomaterials, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 32, 2281-2286.
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High purity nanomaterials (silicon, tungsten carbide, oxides of silicon, tin, iron, titan) are widely used in the innovative and science-intensive fields of economy. In manufacture of these substances it is exceedingly important that a by-product of synthesis should not contaminate the target products or interact with process equipment. Otherwise it will take up an additional amount of impurities. A promising way to tackle with this problem is application of low-temperature plasma. It allows to create a set of modern apparatus with the minimum microimpurity background. The advantage of this technique is that it can yield nanodispersed powders which is virtually impossible with other high purity technologies.
It is known that plasma allows receiving a various level of structural conditions. But difficulties of realization of the given conditions always rested against necessity of their instant fixing. However, it is possible only in cryogenic jets of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, argon, helium, etc. Reactors used earlier had a lack of this possibility. Creation of a new class for cryogenic plasmachemical technologies for obtaining of the high purity nanomaterials was the purpose of the given work.
During the researches there was examined the influence of the following 3 factors for the dispersion of the final product: the aggregate state of the original substance, the components ratio (heads of high-speed plasma jet and jet injected gas) and the speed of cryogenic tempering. Development of cryogenic plasmachemical nanotechnologies was spent on the basis of the CALS-technologies (Continuous Acquisition and Life cycle Support).
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