Assessment of the Flue Gas Recycle Strategies on Oxy- Coal Power Plants using an Exergy-based Methodology
Hagi, H.
Nemer, M.
Le Moullec, Y.
Bouallou, C.
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Hagi H., Nemer M., Le Moullec Y., Bouallou C., 2013, Assessment of the Flue Gas Recycle Strategies on Oxy- Coal Power Plants using an Exergy-based Methodology, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 35, 343-348.
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While oxy-combustion CO2 capture was foreseen to have higher improvement potential than post- combustion a decade ago, research has not been carried out at the same pace since then and today, the latter exhibits higher technological maturity along with low energy penalty thanks to advanced process integration and solvents formulation. Thus, significant efficiency improvement is needed for the oxy- combustion route to be competitive with post-combustion for carbon capture on coal-fired power plants. In order to achieve such improvements, process integration at system level is required to assess the true energy savings potential of oxy-combustion.
In this study, an exergy-based methodology is performed to compare various flue gas recirculation strategies on a state-of-the-art 1,100 MWe gross oxy-fired power plant. Exergy analysis at unit operation level allows the identification of the location and the magnitude of the thermodynamic irreversibilities occurring in the process, leading to an enhanced understanding of the studied system. In addition to the reference case in which the secondary recycle is fully depolluted and dehydrated; three alternative flue gas recirculation options have been investigated.
Among the studied strategies, recirculation of the secondary flow prior the regenerative heat exchanger with a high temperature particle removal device leads to the highest net plant efficiency. This option not only allows the minimal exergy losses in the boiler but also minimizes the flowrate going through the downstream depollution devices. The net plant efficiency obtained for this architecture is 38.0 %LHV, which represents a 3 % increase compared to the reference oxy-combustion plant. Comparing this figure to an air-fired power plant modeled with the same set of hypotheses, the energy penalty is 8.1 %-pts.
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