Human and Organizational Factor Risk Assessment in Process Industry and a Risk Assessment Methodology (MEDIA) to Incorporate Human and Organizational Factors
Ahmad, M.
Pontiggia, M.
Demichela, M.
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Ahmad M., Pontiggia M., Demichela M., 2014, Human and Organizational Factor Risk Assessment in Process Industry and a Risk Assessment Methodology (MEDIA) to Incorporate Human and Organizational Factors, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 36, 565-570.
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Human and organizational factors (HOF) contribute to large number of accidents in process industries, therefore it is of prime importance to include HOF into risk assessment. In this paper, a newly developed methodology “Method for Error Deduction and Incident Analysis (MEDIA)” is presented. MEDIA is a taxonomy based HOF assessment methodology which can be used to quantify the HOF risk based on an accidental database (EMARS). Primarily, MEDIA analyzes different organizational characteristics and their effect on human action’s outcome. This methodology also accounts for available risk reduction factors and critically of human action failure.
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