Effect of Calcination on Orange Peels Characteristics: Application of an Industrial Dye Adsorption
Khalfaoui, A.
Bendjamaa, I.
Bensid, T.
Meniai, A.H.
Derbal, K.
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Khalfaoui A., Bendjamaa I., Bensid T., Meniai A., Derbal K., 2014, Effect of Calcination on Orange Peels Characteristics: Application of an Industrial Dye Adsorption, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 38, 361-366.
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The present work is mainly concerned with the effect of calcinations of orange peel on its characteristics toward the adsorption of an industrial dye which is methylene blue.
In fact the results showed an increase of the specific surface area from for 0.45 to 4.97m2/g for the solid material taken as crude for a calcination at a temperature up to 550°C for 30 minutes.
Also the equilibrium pH value variations insinuated the reduction of carboxyl and phenol functional groups with the creation of basic functions.
The IR spectra showed a similar distribution of peaks identified for the material at calcined state for three temperatures (300, 400, 550°C) with a marked change in the stretching section (> 1500 cm-1) comparatively with support in the original state.
The effect of temperature and duration of calcination showed that good adsorption capacity is obtained with a value of 9.74mg/g for an initial concentration of methylene blue of 100mg/l when using calcined orange peel at 400°C for two hours.
Linear regressions have shown that the kinetics is controlled by the pseudo second order model.
The isotherm for adsorption of methylene blue on calcined orange peel at different temperatures (300, 400, 550°C) for two hours was investigated. The experimental data are well interpreted by the Langmuir model and this for the three temperatures.
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