Resource Efficiency Studies using a New Operator Training Simulator for a Bioethanol Plant
Hass, V.C.
Kuntzsch, S.
Schoop, K.-M.
Winterhalter, M.
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Hass V., Kuntzsch S., Schoop K.-M., Winterhalter M., 2014, Resource Efficiency Studies using a New Operator Training Simulator for a Bioethanol Plant, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 39, 541-546.
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Biofuel production plants are expected to significantly contribute to an environmentally sustainable future. However, a prerequisite for this goal is the resource conserving and energy efficient operation of these plants. Complex process dynamics are supposed to have an important influence on resource and energy efficiency of biofuel plants. This leads to strong demands on plant operators and automation systems. In this contribution a newly developed operator training simulator (OTS) is used to demonstrate the influence of process control and automation strategies on the sustainable operation of a bioethanol plant. The OTS presented here is based on mechanistic and dynamic process models describing the unit operations and some additional equipment such as valves, pumps, etc.. The models were verified using pilot plant data and have been implemented in the control system and simulation software WinErs. Automation sequences for the full plant have been developed using GRAFCET. Simulation experiments with the operator training simulator of the bioethanol production plant clearly indicate the strong influence of operational strategies and conditions on the resource efficiency and bioethanol yield of the process. The operational strategies and conditions for the bioethanol fermentation unit, the cross flow unit as well as the rectification unit and the overall process may lead to a variation of the energy demands for ethanol production of 48 %.
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