Development and Implementation of Methods of Cybernetics in Technologies of Chemical Reagents and High Purity Substances
Bessarabov, A.
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Bessarabov A., 2014, Development and Implementation of Methods of Cybernetics in Technologies of Chemical Reagents and High Purity Substances, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 39, 1003-1008.
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One of the clusters of the scientific school of the academician Viktor Kafarov is the direction created by us– cybernetics of chemical and technological processes in the industry of chemical reagents and high purity substances. For 40 years this direction was developed in the Institute of chemical reagents and high purity substances, and in recent years in the Science centre "Low-tonnage chemistry".
Works were conducted in the following 4 directions: modelling and optimization of processes for production of chemical reagents and high purity substances (HPS); system analysis in technology of HPS and synthesis of the optimal individual and flexible multi-assortment manufacturing; creation of automated systems of scientific researches and technological processes control systems; development of automated databases, expert systems of the artificial intelligence and computer systems for making of the decisions. In the 2000-s, we have taken the leading positions in the chemical complex of Russia for development and implementation of information CALS-technologies - ISO 10303 STEP (Klemeš, 2010). Based on them there were developed the automated systems of design documentation in the technology of high purity substances, biotechnology (Bessarabov et al., 2010); plasma-cryogenic technology for obtaining of nanodispersed powders etc. (Bessarabov et al., 2013) CALS systems of computer quality management for the technology of high purity substances and nanomaterials were developed (Bessarabov et al., 2011b).
In recent years, during the development of strategy of development of the chemical industry information technologies for the system analysis and rating estimation of innovative potential of 83 leading joint-stock and state ownership R&D organizations were developed for the Ministry of industry of Russian Federation. Also the system analysis of the innovation resources of 165 leading industrial enterprises of chemical and petrochemical complex was carried out.
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