The Impact of Alternative Heat Supply Options on CO<sub>2</sub> Emission and District Heating System
Mashatin, V.
Link, S.
Siirde, A.
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How to Cite

Mashatin V., Link S., Siirde A., 2014, The Impact of Alternative Heat Supply Options on CO2 Emission and District Heating System, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 39, 1105-1110.
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The energy demand for space heating and ventilation has huge potential. The impact of three alternative energy supply solutions such as exhaust air heat pump coupled with district heating, district heating coupled with room based heat recovery ventilation unit, and air-to-water heat pump coupled with mechanical exhaust ventilation and district heating have been studied in the case of a refurbished Soviet time residential building. District heating coupled with room based heat recovery ventilation unit exhibits the lowest primary energy demand and CO2 emission. Air-to-water heat pump coupled with mechanical exhaust ventilation and district heating and using the district heating coupled with mechanical exhaust ventilation (so called base scenario) are quite equal from the point of view of primary energy demand. The CO2 emission is clearly higher for air-to-water heat pump option than for the base scenario and other studied alternatives. However for all alternatives the relative heat losses in district heating network are growing.
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