Electric Field-Induced Variations of Combustion Dynamics
Barmina, I.
Zake, M.
Valdmanis, R.
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Barmina I., Zake M., Valdmanis R., 2014, Electric Field-Induced Variations of Combustion Dynamics, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 39, 1531-1536.
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An experimental study of the electric field effect on combustion dynamics at thermo-chemical conversion of biomass pellets was carried out with the aim to determine the DC field effect on the processes of biomass gasification, combustion of volatiles, formation of swirling flame structure, efficiency of heat energy production and composition of polluting emissions. The effect of DC field-enhanced mass transfer of flame species on the formation of swirling flame structure, determining variations of the combustion characteristics, heat energy production and composition of polluting emissions was studied by varying bias voltage and polarity of the axially inserted electrode. The effect of electric field on the flame characteristics has been explained considering the ion wind effects on the interrelated processes of heat/mass transfer determining the formation of the recirculation zone and development of combustion dynamics.
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