Modelling Dispersive Mixing of the Ingredients of Rubber Compounds
Suigenbayeva, A.
Brener, A.
Sabyrkhanov, D.
Sakibayeva, S.
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Suigenbayeva A., Brener A., Sabyrkhanov D., Sakibayeva S., 2014, Modelling Dispersive Mixing of the Ingredients of Rubber Compounds, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 39, 1681-1686.
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The objectives of this work are to carry out the theoretical description of the mixing process accompanied by dispersing the polymer blends and to submit the fractal model of the dispersive mixing process which can be useful for engineering calculation of the apparatuses for mixing the ingredients of rubber blends. Rubber mixing process is extremely complex in its mechanism. In fact, there are two basic processes combined - mixing and dispersing with a simultaneous increase in the specific surface area of the interface between the blend components. The paper offers for discussion the theory of dispersive mixing process which is based on the model of generated Brownian diffusion over the fractal medium. The results of mathematical modeling and natural experiments have been presented.
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