Durability of Pt and Pt-Co Electrocatalysts for Application in a PEM Fuel Cell
Malis, J.
Colmenares, L.
Sunde, S.
Bouzek, K.
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Malis J., Colmenares L., Sunde S., Bouzek K., 2014, Durability of Pt and Pt-Co Electrocatalysts for Application in a PEM Fuel Cell, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 41, 181-186.
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Efforts for reduction of catalysts loads in PEM fuel cells, are caused by high price of platinum metals and limited sources of this elements. Exist many possible ways, how to reduce load of platinum metals. One is preparing particles with lower diameter, but we are limited minimal diameter for catalytic properties. Second way is preparing catalyst form alloys of platinum with some other metal. This work is focused to alloy Pt with Co. Important parameters of catalyst are activity, stability, sensibility to poisoning and etc. This work compares stability of catalysts based on pure platinum and alloy platinum and cobalt. Although catalyst based on Pt-Co alloy assign approximately half initial electrocatalytic surface in compare with catalyst based on pure platinum, after 10 000 cycles assign catalyst based on alloy higher stability.
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