Production and Characterisation of Glass Foams for Thermal Insulation
Dias, G.
Arcaro, S.
Cesconeto, F.
Maia, B.
Raupp-Pereira, F.
Novaes De Oliveira, A.P.
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Dias G., Arcaro S., Cesconeto F., Maia B., Raupp-Pereira F., Novaes De Oliveira A., 2015, Production and Characterisation of Glass Foams for Thermal Insulation, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 43, 1777-1782.
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In this work, glass compositions from glass bottles with different colours and graphite (2 - 12 vol%) as the pore-forming agent were prepared for the production of materials with controlled porosity for applications where thermal and acoustic insulations are main technical requirements. The formulated compositions were, in a later stage, uniaxially pressed (40 MPa) and fired at different temperatures (800 - 950 °C) and cycles with holding times between 15 and 120 minutes. The results showed that it is possible to produce glass foams for thermal insulation from optimized compositions containing 90 vol% glass and 10 vol% graphite, fired between 800 and 950 °C for 30 minutes, which showed porosities between 53 and 76 %, with thermal conductivities between 0.16 and 0.08 W/mK and compressive strength between 20 and 4.6 MPa. The obtained glass foams are strong candidates for applications requiring thermal insulation with suitable combination of thermal conductivity, porosity and mechanical strength.
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