Optimal Sizing of a Photovoltaic-Thermal Hybrid System using Energy Ratio
Thakare, M.S.
Ghosh, P.C.
Bandyopadhyay, S.
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Thakare M., Ghosh P., Bandyopadhyay S., 2015, Optimal Sizing of a Photovoltaic-Thermal Hybrid System using Energy Ratio, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 45, 373-378.
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A photovoltaic-thermal hybrid system (PVT) is a renewable energy based cogeneration system as it simultaneously converts solar radiation to electricity and low temperature heat. For applications with limited space, such as building integrated systems, use of a PVT system may be better than installing separate collectors to produce electrical and thermal energy. Reduction of total space requirement for an integrated PVT system depends on the electrical and thermal energy requirements. The concept of energy ratio is introduced in this paper for selection of appropriate solar device to satisfy the thermal and electrical energy demands. A mathematical optimization problem is formulated to identify the range of energy ratio for which installation of PVT system is optimal.
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