Co-Pyrolysis of Peat and Petroleum Containing Waste on Ni and Co Containing Catalysts
Kosivtsov, Y.Y.
Chalov, K.V.
Lugovoy, Y.V.
Sulman, E.M.
Stepacheva, A.A.
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Kosivtsov Y., Chalov K., Lugovoy Y., Sulman E., Stepacheva A., 2015, Co-Pyrolysis of Peat and Petroleum Containing Waste on Ni and Co Containing Catalysts, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 45, 667-672.
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The goal of this research is the development of the method of oil-slime recycling. In this work the influence of natural and synthetic aluminosilicates, metal chlorides of iron subgroup on the peat low-temperature pyrolysis and co-pyrolysis of peat with oil-slime and polymeric waste was studied in a variety of conditions (t = 350 – 650 °C, catalyst loading: from 1 up to 30 % wt.). The use of bentonite clay (30 % wt.) at 460 °C as a catalyst in peat pyrolysis resulted in the increase in weight of gaseous and liquid products from 23 up to 30 % wt. and from 32 up to 45 % wt. Co-pyrolysis of peat and oil-slime in the presence of bentonite clay resulted in the increase in gaseous product weight from 18 up to 26 % wt. and liquid fraction yield from 45 up to 55 % wt. in comparison with precalculated value. The use of metal chlorides of iron subgroup (2 % wt. concentration) at 500 °? in the co-pyrolysis of peat and polymeric waste led to optimal conversion of substrate in desired products, 15 % increase of total weight of gaseous and liquid products formed during the pyrolysis process and simultaneous decrease of char formation.
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