The System Dynamics Use for Measurement of the Results of Technological Applications for Genetic Improvement in Milk Supply Chain
Schimith, C.D.
Scavarda, A.
Bittencourt, S.
Santos, M.B.
Vaccaro, G.L.R.
Gabbi, A.
Weise, A.D.
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Schimith C., Scavarda A., Bittencourt S., Santos M., Vaccaro G., Gabbi A., Weise A., 2015, The System Dynamics Use for Measurement of the Results of Technological Applications for Genetic Improvement in Milk Supply Chain, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 45, 865-870.
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The Brazilian economy is based on natural resources, classified as an exporter of commodities, with an emphasis on milk production in the last decade, represented by the ranking of having the second largest dairy herd in the world. In this scenario, this paper aims to use the system dynamics to simulate scenarios and to measure financial results related to production that milk supply chain gets by using genetic improvement technology. Methodology initially discusses qualitative aspects, identifying members, links, and attributes of supply chain management researched, which allowed to describe the systemic structure and to identify the variables used to design scenarios with and without the use of genetic technologies. The model was tested in a real situation, in a country state that has adopted these technologies. The final result of the study showed that, in the scenario of use of genetic improvement technologies, the variables production (liters), revenues and net income increased by 45 % and 53 %, comparing with non-use scenario. The model showed to be effective to simulate the deployment of genetics in dairy herd.
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