Professor Dr Jirí Jaromír Klemeš: Celebration of the Jubilee in Science and Engineering
Varbanov, P.S.
Lam, H.L.
Nemet, A.
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Varbanov P., Lam H., Nemet A., 2015, Professor Dr Jirí Jaromír Klemeš: Celebration of the Jubilee in Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 45, 1717-1722.
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Following the spontaneous decision of the friends within the Process Integration community, the current Jubilee Part of the Chemical Engineering Transactions (CET) Vol. 45 has been created, to celebrate the scientific achievements and the personality of Professor Dr Jirí Jaromír Klemeš. Some of the authors have chosen to prepare scientific tributes and others have contributed personal congratulatory articles. As a result the current Jubilee Part is a multi-faceted presentation of all friends’ perspectives.
This Editorial article introduces the celebration contributions. They are organised in scientific and personal parts, where the scientific part has a number of topical sections related to process design, optimisation and sustainability.
It is shown in the overview that the collaboration of the community established with the help of the PRES series of conferences founded by Professor Dr Jirí Jaromír Klemeš has been very useful and is very much needed in the future.
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