Generalized Simulation Tools for Coal, Biomass and Organic Waste Gasification Processes
Pierucci, S.
Ranzi, E.
Manenti, F.
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Pierucci S., Ranzi E., Manenti F., 2015, Generalized Simulation Tools for Coal, Biomass and Organic Waste Gasification Processes, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 45, 1771-1776.
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This article describes modelling and simulation advances for the gasification systems. The generalized approach pursued in developing the models allows to characterize the main phenomena involved in the gasification process of coal, biomass and organic wastes. Actually, multi-scale, multi-phase, and multi- component systems are described by means of complex kinetic mechanisms for gas-solid phases and by first-principles dynamic modelling of non-ideal reactors of different types (e.g., downdraft, updraft, traveling grate). Catalytic effect of ashes is considered too in the case of coal gasification. The tools have been validated on literature data. The abovementioned tools have been used not only for design verification and operational optimization purposes, but also to assess and define radically new processes and technological solutions. The case of novel low-emission gasification process is broached in the paper.
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