The “PTB Ex Proficiency Testing Scheme” - Interlaboratory Comparisons in the Field of Explosion Protection
Krause, Tim
Wu, Jia
Zater, Lisa
Klausmeyer, Uwe
Markus, Detlev
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Krause T., Wu J., Zater L., Klausmeyer U., Markus D., 2016, The “PTB Ex Proficiency Testing Scheme” - Interlaboratory Comparisons in the Field of Explosion Protection, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 48, 373-378.
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The requirement of participation in interlaboratory comparisons was not sufficiently fulfilled by laboratories in the field of explosion protection (Ex-testing laboratories) due to a lack of proficiency testing programs. The reasons were the extensive effort, the complexity of the relevant measurands- and characteristics of interest and difficulties with the selection of appropriate test samples.
The present paper introduces the "PTB Ex Proficiency Testing Scheme" as the first comprehensive proficiency testing program in explosive protection. Furthermore, a detailed look into the program “Explosion Pressure” is presented with a discussion about the reasons for differences in the results of the participants. It is shown that the scheme can improve the performance of the participated Ex-testing laboratories which generates additional confidence for the whole community related to the topic explosion protection..
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