Effect of Carbon–Nitrogen Ratio for the Biomass Production, Hydrocarbons and Lipids on Botryoccus Braunii UIS 003.
Barajas-Solano, A.
Guzmán - Monsalve, A.
Kafarov, V.
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Barajas-Solano A., Guzmán - Monsalve A., Kafarov V., 2016, Effect of Carbon–Nitrogen Ratio for the Biomass Production, Hydrocarbons and Lipids on Botryoccus Braunii UIS 003., Chemical Engineering Transactions, 49, 247-252.
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The genus Botryococcus compiles a variety of green microalgae which accumulate large quantities of hydrocarbons, this genus is classified in four types or races (A, B, L and R) based on chemical structure of hydrocarbons. Race B has been acknowledge due to its hability to accumulate triterpene hydrocarbons C30- C37 best known as botriococene and methylated squalene C31-C34 which are considerate as candidates for biofuels production; however, one of the main problems that face biofuels production using this alga as feedstock is the continuous production, both lipids and hydrocarbons; that is why it’s mandatory to find the best carbon and nitrogen source that maximizes biomass and total lipid production.
It was found that by adjusting the carbon/nitrogen ratio using sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) it was possible to substantially improve the production of biomass from 1 to 2 g/L in 15 days thus doubling the production of biomass in the same time; however, both the lipids and hydrocarbons production will not be affected positively showing a significant reduction from baseline.
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