Safety Prediction of Soleplate Corrosion State in Petroleum Storage Tank Based on Grey Theory Model
Zhao, X.G.
Zhou, Y.
Zhao, J.Y.
Zhan, G.
Yang, P.
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How to Cite

Zhao X., Zhou Y., Zhao J., Zhan G., Yang P., 2016, Safety Prediction of Soleplate Corrosion State in Petroleum Storage Tank Based on Grey Theory Model, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 51, 271-276.
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The corrosion protection of petroleum storage tank is important for safety work in petroleum depot. Precise prediction of soleplate corrosion may reflect the security state of a storage tank, and it can provide scientific references to the anti-corrosion and maintenance in safety management. Grey Model GM (1,1) in the Grey Theory is a good prediction method based on small volume of original data, and it is introduced and applied to predict the soleplate corrosion of No.G-2 petroleum storage tank in Luquan oil depot. In order to improving the calculation speed, the GM (1,1) model is programmed by MATLAB and is further utilized in data processing. Compared with the measurements, the prediction results meet them very well, which shows that this model is practical. Meanwhile, the prediction results also reflect the status and the corrosion rate of a petroleum tank which is of great importance for the future safety management and maintenance works. Meanwhile, the GM (1,1) is suitable for wide applications in other relative fields in oil depots.
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