Oxidation Kinetics of Biodiesel Stabilized with Pyrogallol Using the PetroOXY Method
Xiong, Y.
Zhou, J.
He, Q.Q.
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Xiong Y., Zhou J., He Q., 2016, Oxidation Kinetics of Biodiesel Stabilized with Pyrogallol Using the PetroOXY Method, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 51, 313-318.
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The present study investigated the oxidation kinetics of biodiesel stabilized with pyrogallol conducted at 110- 150°C using the PetroOXY method. It was demonstrated that the induction period increased with the increasing concentration and decreased with increasing temperature. The natural logarithm of antioxidant concentration varied linearly with respect to induction period, and the consumption of pyrogallol during the induction period followed the pseudo-first-order reaction kinetics over the temperature range studied. An increasing rate of consumption could be observed as temperature increased. Based on the Arrhenius equation, the activation energy for pyrogallol consumption could be calculated, which is different from the apparent activation energy for inhibited oxidation process. The introduction of pyrogallol into biodiesel could possibly lead to a change in the mechanism of oxidation process, due to the possible participation of antioxidant molecules in side reactions other than the main reaction of chain termination.
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