Present Chemical Production Simulator Model Validation Method
Liventsova, N.V.
Egorova, O.V.
Liventsov, S.N.
Blank, M.O.
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Liventsova N., Egorova O., Liventsov S., Blank M., 2016, Present Chemical Production Simulator Model Validation Method, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 52, 229-234.
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The developed new validation method of the simulator model in standard and emergency situations for chemical production management skills training at minimal amount of monitored process variables is presented by the example of fluorine electrochemical production process. The method consists of two stages. At the first stage the validation quality of separate process variables is evaluated. It allows verifying the developed model accuracy and identification of its inputs or indicated the necessity to correct some development phase. At the second stage the model operation and its applicability for training purposes is generally evaluated. The simulation quality of the monitored process variables which enable cause-effect analysis to detect emergency reasons is checked.
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