A Heterogeneous Condensation Assisted Three-Phase Bed Column to Remove Submicronic Particles
La Motta, F.
Di Natale, F.
Carotenuto, C.
Lancia, A.
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La Motta F., Di Natale F., Carotenuto C., Lancia A., 2016, A Heterogeneous Condensation Assisted Three-Phase Bed Column to Remove Submicronic Particles, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 52, 391-396.
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The paper presents experimetnal findings on an innovative system aimed to remove ultrafine particles from gases. The system is based on coupling a particle enlargement process with a three-phase bubble column. Calibrated polystyrene nanoparticles of about 200 nm were tested and were enlarged in a growth-tube operated at different temepartures to obtain different super-saturation levels. The experimental results showed that the aerosol cumulative distribution functions shifted towards larger diameters with the increasing of supersaturation; the total particle removal efficiency in the three-phase bubble column increased with the supersaturation reaching values of 99 %.
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