Evaluation of Different Solvent Types on the Extraction of Proteins from Microalgae
Phong, W.N.
Le, C.F.
Show, P.L.
Lam, H.L.
Ling, T.C.
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Phong W., Le C., Show P., Lam H., Ling T., 2016, Evaluation of Different Solvent Types on the Extraction of Proteins from Microalgae, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 52, 1063-1068.
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The commercial production of microalgal proteins at low cost remains challenging. The release of proteins from microalgae is restricted by the presence of rigid thick cell wall that could hinder the extraction process and affect the proteins recovery yield. In view of this, this study aimed to provide some guidance on the selection of the efficient solvent in facilitating the proteins release during the cell disruption process. The effects of different solvent types such as methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol and water in facilitating the process of proteins release from microalgal cell wall were studied in the present study. Based on the results, it was found that water able to release the highest concentration of proteins from microalgae compared to the other solvents.
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