Study on Formation of Oil-in-Water (O/W) Pickering type Emulsion via Complexation between Diesel and ß- Cyclodextrin
Monazzami, A.
Vahabzadeh, F.
Aroujalian, A.
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Monazzami A., Vahabzadeh F., Aroujalian A., 2016, Study on Formation of Oil-in-Water (O/W) Pickering type Emulsion via Complexation between Diesel and ß- Cyclodextrin, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 53, 265-270.
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With use of ß-cyclodextrin, Pickering type oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions were prepared using diesel sample obtained from an oil refinery plant. With considering the emulsion stability test, the effects of the two influential factors were quantitatively determined using statistical modeling. Inclusion complex (IC) formed between the ßCD and diesel was structurally characterized using several instrumental techniques and the results in terms of the emulsifying role of the formed ICs were discussed.
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