Structural Elucidation and Antioxidant Activities of Exopolysaccharide from L. helveticus SMN2-1
Bai, L.J.
Wang, L.
Ji, S.J.
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How to Cite

Bai L., Wang L., Ji S., 2016, Structural Elucidation and Antioxidant Activities of Exopolysaccharide from L. helveticus SMN2-1, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 55, 61-66.
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Koumiss is a traditional fermented dairy product and known for its unique physiological actions. An attempt was made to purify exopolysaccharide produced by LAB in Koumiss and antioxidant activity of the exopolysaccharide. In total, 55 EPS-producing strains were isolated from 12 koumiss samples and 3 strains with ability of higher EPS-producing were identified by 16S rRNA gene sequence as Lactobacillus Helveticus, Enterococcus duran and Leuconostoc lactis respectively. The structural analysis of purified EPS-I produced by Lactobacillus Helveticus SMN2-1 was performed by FTIR analysis. The EPS as important extracellularbioactive molecules had a molecular mass of 8.5×105 Da and good antioxidant activity with high hydroxyl andsuperoxide radicals scavenging abilities. The diversity of lactic acid bacteria in koumiss and structure and antioxidant activity of exopolysaccharide from L. helveticus SMN2-1 were verified that might be contributed to koumiss for its physiological actions.
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