One of the m?in options of sew?ge sludge dispos?l is its ?pplic?tion ?s fertilizer. The Directive on sewage sludge 86/278/EEC ?im is to support the use of sew?ge sludge ?s fertilizer in agriculture. This Directive regul?tes sew?ge sludge use in such ? w?y ?s to control ?nd prevents h?rmful effects on soil, ?nim?ls ?nd hum?ns. Sew?ge sludge ?pplic?tion ?s fertilizer h?s even been recommended ?s the most ?ppropri?te ?nd suit?ble option in the Europe?n Directive draft “Working document on sludge” published in 2000. But this Directive sets limit v?lues for only 7 heavy metals in soil ?s well ?s in sew?ge sludge itself. This Directive does not consider org?nic pollut?nts such ?s dioxins, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (P?Hs) ?nd potenti?lly p?thogenic org?nisms, or newer, less investig?ted compounds spre?d deliber?tely or ?ccident?lly into the environment. The ?im of the research was to ev?lu?te the P?Hs (benzo(?)pyrene, fluor?nthene, pyrene) in compost from sew?ge sludge. The results was compared with the PAHs in the compost from green waste and with the EPA recommended limit values. The research results demonstrate that concentrations of PAHs in the compost are smaller than recommended concentrations by EP?. But still there is ? risk because P?Hs are c?ncerogenic for hum?ns ?nd ?nim?ls, ?lso there is possibility th?t pl?nts c?n upt?ke this org?nic compound from soil which is fertilized with this compost. The possible ?ccumul?tion of org?nic pollut?nts in the food ch?in is quite high ?nd should be done more studies ?bout the risk evaluation. Compost from sew?ge sludge c?n be used for the remedi?tion of d?m?ged sites but not ?s fertilizer for agricultural purpose.