Carbon and Energy Use Reporting for Buildings in Putrajaya: Implementation Status and Drive Factors
Wang, T.W.
Ho, C.S.
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Wang T., Ho C., 2017, Carbon and Energy Use Reporting for Buildings in Putrajaya: Implementation Status and Drive Factors, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 56, 607-612.
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This study is aimed at investigate to what extent does the carbon (CO2) and energy use reporting being incorporated in the existing reporting practices by facility managers for government office buildings in Putrajaya. The findings indicate that CO2 and energy use reporting activity are affirmed and current level of engagement in this reporting practice appears to be high. The reporting status has showed no significant association with their company size. The leading drive factors which influence this reporting status are the regulatory compliance and relationship building with stakeholders. Presently, main reporting obligation for energy use is through contract document whereas measuring and reporting of CO2 are upon stakeholders’ request. This study provides overview on current status of CO2 and energy use reporting for government office buildings that is expected to give positive impact on future mandatory reporting programme and to demonstrate as a new policy instrument for building sector CO2 mitigation in Putrajaya.
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