Economic Viability Analysis on Seawater Desalination by Electrodialysis as an Alternative for Water Potabilization in Pueblo Viejo, Colombia
Nino Vargas, A.K.
Ladino, J.
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How to Cite

Nino Vargas A., Ladino J., 2017, Economic Viability Analysis on Seawater Desalination by Electrodialysis as an Alternative for Water Potabilization in Pueblo Viejo, Colombia, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 57, 493-498.
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This study presents an economic cost evaluation on seawater desalination using an electrodialysis system operating continuously in stages. The physical configuration is evaluated for treating seawater in Pueblo Viejo, Colombia. A phenomenological model is implemented to determine investment and operational costs based on cell thickness, removal efficiency, membranes and flow velocity analysis. Simulation results show that the total costs decrease more than 50% when the cell thickness is increased. However, cost increases when velocity is increased due to the influence in retention time. Economic viability analysis indicates that the total costs in optimal conditions are equivalent to almost three times the cost associated to conventional treatment. It is, however, competitive with others desalination systems.
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